Dvd Review:Wwf St.Valentines Day Massacre.

Good Morning Everyone. It’s Your Pal The Bodybender. This week we have a Classic from Wwf and it’s The St. Valentines Day Massacre, which really set the Ppv tone for the Austin vs McMahon Era. The Main Event was the Classic Cage Match and we saw the first appearance of the Big Show,formerly known as the Wcw Giant. The Card started off with BlueDust vs GoldDust, not a really great match as the Blue Meanie,more of a comedy as he is never in Shape,but he has a good time and gives the fans a good show. Then it was Bob Holly vs Al Snow for the Hardcore Championship,and won by Holly as Hardcore Holly for the first time, shedding the Sparky plug image. The Bossman and Mideon next got chants of Boring from the Crowd, but it was not a Bad match, then the Ministry came down after the Bossman Win and put the BeatDown on the Bossman,led by the Undertaker. From there It was one of my favorite teams. Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart vs Mark Henry and Di Lo Brown. Mark and Di Lo came out with Ivory and Jeff and Owen with Debra. Here is information on the rest of the show. The Rock vs Mick Foley, great match,. Mick really takes a beating in this one, as he always does. This Pay Per view is important in Wrestling History because of the Matches and Storylines involved and Austin vs McMahon is a classic. Vince could really perform when he needed to ,and his facial expressions really told a story. This Dvd is a classic to own if you can find it. I bought it on Ebay for 10.00 and if you ever want information on my purchases or where i find them, please ask. Not every match is great, but seeing Jeff and Owen together is pretty awesome. And I love every Show that I watch,always find the great stuff in these Classics.

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: In Your House

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St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: In Your House
Promotion poster, showcasing Vince McMahon
PromotionWorld Wrestling Federation
DateFebruary 14, 1999
CityMemphis, Tennessee
VenueMemphis Pyramid
Pay-per-view chronology
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WrestleMania XV
In Your House chronology
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Rock Bottom Next →

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre: In Your House was the 27th In Your House pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by the World Wrestling Federation (WWF). It took place on February 14, 1999, at the Memphis Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee. The title of the event alludes to the Saint Valentine’s Day massacre of 1929, which saw seven people murdered as part of the gang war between Al Capone and Bugs Moran. The event saw the WWF debut of Big Show, who was referred to by his real name, Paul Wight, during the event.

Eight professional wrestling matches were scheduled on the event’s card. The first main event was that of the WWF Championship. As The Rock and Mankind had fought many times previously with ambiguous match endings, it was decided the match would be a Last Man Standing match, a match where a wrestler loses if they cannot stand up before the referee counts to ten. The second main event was a steel cage match between Stone Cold Steve Austin and the owner of the company, Vince McMahon, to decide whether Austin would go on to headline WrestleMania XV the following month.



The leader of The J.O.B. Squad, Al Snow had his mascot, a mannequin head he believed to be sentient, stolen from him by Goldust who restyled the head in keeping with his own make up style. In a match on the edition of January 25 of Raw is War, The Blue Meanie made his WWF debut by coming through the crowd and stealing the head back for Snow. The following week on February 1, Goldust attacked Blue Meanie but the night before the event, on a special Saturday Night Raw, Goldust lost a match to perennial jobber Gillberg when Meanie distracted him with a video parodying the wrestler, renaming himself Bluedust. After the match was over the arena went dark with a blue hue, similar to Goldust’s effect of a gold hue, and Goldust had been disgraced by having blue paint poured over him.[1]

In the first few weeks of the year, The Road Dogg and Al Snow had formed an ad hoc hardcore tag team but, after losing to The Acolytes, they had a dispute and Snow challenged Road Dogg to a match to decide who was more hardcore. When The Road Dogg was attacked backstage and could not fight, Snow began to have a match with himself by hitting himself with weapons and moonsaulting into a table. Fellow J.O.B. Squad member Bob Holly came to the ring and tried to talk sense into him but found himself brawling instead.[1] When it was discovered the attack on Road Dogg would prevent him defending the WWF Hardcore Championship, a match between the two J.O.B. Squad members was made for the vacant championship.

As part of his “Sexual Chocolate” gimmick, Mark Henry was having delusions of grandeur pertaining to his status with the opposite sex. When he flirted with Debra, she pretended to be attracted to him when the wrestler she managed, Jeff Jarrett attacked Henry from behind. To try to prevent Debra from further distracting Henry, his tag team partner D’Lo Brown introduced him to a new woman in their corner Ivory in the hope that Henry would not be distracted in their match against the new tag team champions.

“Badd Ass” Billy Gunn volunteered himself to officiate the Intercontinental Championship match

When Ken Shamrock‘s sister came to support her brother at ringside, she gained the attention of Billy Gunn, who mooned her, and Val Venis who performed a dance for her. Despite the overbearing attempts of Shamrock to keep his sister chaste, she was soon shown to have appeared in Val Venis’ “adult film” Saving Ryan’s Privates and, despite Shamrock promising he would not put his hands on Venis this did not stop him from attacking Venis with a steel chair. Although Shamrock put up his Intercontinental Championship for the event, he could not contain his rage and attacked Venis again when he was conducting an interview in the ring. When the referees and officials tried to break them up, Shamrock attacked them all leading to senior referee Earl Hebner refusing to offer services in the match for fear of his own safety and that of the team of referees. In a later segment with D-Generation X, Billy Gunn took off his top to reveal a referee shirt, volunteering to officiate the match.

The night after the Royal Rumble, Triple H demanded an “I Quit” match with The Rock, questioning the dubious circumstances that the one had ended the previous night. During the match, Triple H was just about to put Rock through the announce table when The Corporation appeared and threatened that Kane would chokeslam his bodyguard Chyna if he did not quit the match. When he did, The Corporation left but Chyna revealed that she had switched sides by lowblowing Triple H. The following week Triple H had a steel cage match with Kane which he won thanks to some help from X-Pac after Chyna also interfered. After the match she threatened her erstwhile partner telling him she had a special St. Valentine’s Day gift for him.[1]

When The Rock became WWF Champion at Survivor Series, it was under dubious circumstances aimed at recreating the Montreal Screwjob, meaning that his opponent Mankind lost the match by submission without actually tapping out. The following month at Rock Bottom: In Your House Mankind won a championship match by causing Rock to pass out from the mandible claw but again Vince McMahon would prevent Mankind from becoming champion by claiming that Rock did not technically tap out. Due to the ambiguous circumstances Mankind eventually gained a championship match on the January 4 edition of Raw is War which he won[2] only to lose it again at the Royal Rumble in an “I Quit” match thanks to a recording of his voice being played[3] and win it back again in an Empty Arena match on Halftime Heat during Super Bowl XXXIII by trapping Rock underneath a forklift. Going in to WrestleMania a definite decision needed to be made over who the champion would be and thus a match with no seeming ambiguity over its end was booked, a Last Man Standing match where the winner is the wrestler left standing.

When Vince McMahon won the Royal Rumble he earned a match against the WWF Champion at WrestleMania, but at the time it seemed as if that champion was fellow Corporate member The Rock. Not a full-time wrestler, McMahon announced on the edition of January 25 of Raw Is War that he was vacating his place at WrestleMania only to be informed by Commissioner Shawn Michaels that if the winner is incapable of wrestling in the WrestleMania main event then the runner-up takes their place. Being as the runner-up was Steve Austin, this enraged McMahon and Austin used this to goad McMahon into a match. Explaining that even more than a WWF Championship match, he wanted another chance to fight McMahon without any legal ramifications so much that he would risk his WrestleMania place for a chance at the match, and to make sure that it was just one-on-one it would take place inside a steel cage. The night before on Raw Saturday Night (actually filmed the preceding Monday), McMahon made Austin run the gauntlet against all The Corporation members ending with McMahon pinning a weakened Austin.[1]


Role: Name:
Commentator Michael Cole
Jerry Lawler
Carlos Cabrera (Spanish)
Hugo Savinovich (Spanish)
Interviewer Kevin Kelly
Ring announcer Howard Finkel
Referee Mike Chioda
Earl Hebner
Jim Korderas
Theodore Long
Tim White

Before the pay-per-view went to air, two matches were contested on Sunday Night Heat. Corporate member Test was disqualified in a match against Ministry of Darkness member Viscera. Tiger Ali Singh’s match against Billy Gunn would go to a no contest.

The opening match began with Goldust delivering a spinebuster to Bluedust. Bluedust’s attempt to back body drop his opponent to reverse affairs was met with a punch in the face, causing him to flee until Goldust brought him back into the ring and tried to deliver Shattered Dreams but Bluedust escaped the position and kicked a running Goldust to the ground. His attempt at a Meaniesault miscued and when he rose to his feet, Goldust used the Curtain Call to pin him then successfully delivering Shattered Dreams after the pinfall.[4]

Bob Holly became the new Hardcore Champion on the banks of the Mississippi River

The hardcore match between the two J.O.B. Squad members began with Al Snow throwing Bob Holly out of the ring and hitting him with a chair before throwing him into the crowd. By the first tier of fans Holly managed to reverse things, finding a chair to strike Snow with before blinding him with a fire extinguisher and breaking a glass jar over Snow’s head. Snow returned with a blast from the fire extinguisher going through to the backstage area where he was thrown into technical boxes. Holly then found floor tiles to break over Snow’s head as well as a beer cooler. Snow managed to escape into the car park, using mop handles to break over Holly’s back. The two found their way past the car park onto the banks of the Mississippi River. Snow kicked Holly to the floor and choked him before throwing him into the river, Snow being dragged into the river soon after. Snow escaped the river but Holly chased him, tripping him over to wrap Snow in a chain fence, making it virtually impossible to kick out of the pin fall.[4]

The third match began with Big Boss Man gaining an advantage by delivering a low blow to Mideon. He then chased him out the ring with a chair but hit it against the ring post after which Mideon countered by biting Boss Man’s fingers. Inside the ring Boss Man dominated Mideon, throwing him round and jumping on him, using the ropes to choke him and jump on him. Although Mideon offered some attempts at fighting back, he ran into a Big Boss Slam and was pinned. As the match ended, the ring was surrounded by the Ministry of Darkness and the lights then went off as The Undertaker made his way to the ring. When the lights came back on Boss Man was being held down in the ring while Viscera delivered three big splashes to him before being carried away by the Ministry.[4]

After a brief fight between Owen Hart and Mark Henry, D’Lo Brown and Jeff Jarrett were tagged in. Brown used a dropkick to floor Hart and tried to pin him but was it broken up by Jarrett. Hart then isolated Brown, tagging in his partner for a spinebuster and second rope elbow drop. Although Brown caught Hart’s foot from an attempted kick, Hart floored him with an enzuigiri allowing the two to double team Brown again. When Brown managed to tag in Henry he took out both Jarrett and Hart with clotheslines, whipping them into each other in the corner but they escaped when he tried to run into them himself. Brown then used the Sky High on Jarrett but Hart broke up the pin. Brown then went to the top rope but was distracted by Debra until Ivory pulled her away. Brown tried to separate the two leaving Henry to be double teamed in the ring. His leg was hit with a guitar when the referee was distracted, Jarrett then applied a figure four leg lock and made him tap out.[4]

Val Venis began the match by throwing Shamrock from corner to corner and chopping his chest. After he tried to pin Ken Shamrock, to a somewhat slow count from the special referee, Shamrock began to attack Venis, kicking him into the corner and shoulder barging him to the floor when he returned. Shamrock then threw Venis outside the ring, using the environment to attack him. After putting him back inside the ring Shamrock scoop slammed Venis but Venis would retaliate by stopping a suplex and reversing it into his own delayed suplex followed by an inverted atomic drop. Venis then picked him up and ran him into the ring post twice and returned to the ring to continue his assault on Shamrock’s back. Despite frequent attempts by Shamrock to reverse the situation, Venis seldom let his assault continue for more than one or two strikes until Shamrock kicked him in the face and followed it up with a DDT. As Shamrock went for the pin, Gunn counted a slow two count then refused to finish the third and as Shamrock complained, Venis put a sleeper hold on Shamrock. Venis then performed his trademark double running knee, finishing it with a Russian leg sweep. Gunn reprimanded Venis for his mounted punches, claiming they were closed fist so instead Venis went to the top rope but Shamrock caught him and tried to pin him with a hurricanrana pin. With Gunn’s slow counting, Shamrock instead decided to apply an ankle lock but Venis made it to the rope break with the help of Ryan Shamrock. Shamrock shouted at his sister but she slapped him and when he returned to the ring Venis rolled him up and won the match with a quick pin count. After the match Gunn beat down a celebrating Venis, taunting him with crotch chops.[4]

Chyna wrestled her real-life boyfriend, Triple H

The tag team match began with Triple H and Kane exchanging punches until Kane had a slight momentum causing Helmsley to tag in X-Pac who also suffered at the hands of Kane and was slammed from turnbuckle to turnbuckle until Chyna demanded to be tagged in, knocking X-Pac down with a forearm punch. Kane tagged himself in, much to the chagrin of Chyna and while she shouted at him for it, X-Pac found time to weaken him by kicking at his legs, Triple H illegally aiding him. He was soon tagged in but was floored by Kane’s flying clothesline. Chyna tagged in and after keeping Helmsley down with some forearms, had her suplex reversed but as she was held in mid-air, she jumped out onto the floor and scoop slammed him. Despite tagging X-Pac in, Triple H stayed in the ring to double suplex Kane, then rocket launching Chyna into him before using a double-team DDT on Kane. After some fighting around the ring, where guest commentator Shane McMahon was struck by X-Pac, the match resumed proper with Kane side slamming X-Pac and then allowing Chyna to perform a running powerslam before tagging Kane back in to dominate X-Pac. The two frequently tagged, isolating X-Pac. When the tag came in, Triple H entered and throw Chyna to the floor before cornering Kane, then back body dropping him out of the ring with X-Pac following with a baseball slide. Kane soon recovered and took Triple H out of the ring and, with the referee knocked down and X-Pac giving a Bronco Buster to Chyna, Shane McMahon interfered and was chased away by X-Pac. Triple H fought with Chyna, trying to Pedigree her but Kane soon recovered and chokeslammed Triple H, pulling Chyna over him so that she pinned him when the referee recovered.[4]

Main event matches

The Last Man Standing match began with Mankind turning round and holding his hands together, mocking the previous pay-per-view where The Rock handcuffed him. Rock utilized this to begin an assault on him but Mankind soon fought back, biting him in the corner. Mankind took it upon himself to move the match up the walkway, where Mankind was thrown into the stage set up. When Mankind recovered he DDTed Rock through a television table and took him into a backstage area where he was thrown through some tables. The two fought back to the ring where Mankind scoop slammed Rock and, after some cheering from the crowd, performed his own version of the Corporate Elbow but Rock sat up before the elbow drop and kicked the injured Mankind out of the ring. The Rock joined the commentary team and further insulted Mankind, allowing the champion to recuperate and dive over the table to hit The Rock. Mankind then went to the apron and delivered Cactus Elbow against the announce table. Rock was pushed into the ring while Mankind brought the steel steps in but when he threw them at Rock, he was able to escape and knock Mankind down, grabbing a chair from ringside and hitting Mankind’s knee with it three times. He attempted a fourth shot but Mankind ducked and he struck the ropes, the chair catapulting back into Rock’s face and while he was dazed Mankind clotheslined the pair over the top rope. Mankind tried to set up a piledriver on the announce table but was back body dropped off the end of it and as he was recovering The Rock went back into the ring and threw the steel steps on him from inside the ring. Mankind staggered to his feet and entered the ring only to suffer a Corporate Elbow. While Mankind was being counted, Rock grabbed a microphone and sang Heartbreak Hotel, substituting certain lyrics with his own catchphrases, but Mankind pushed the mandible claw into The Rock and accidentally pushed referee Earl Hebner out of the ring. When he relinquished the mandible claw, Mankind brought Hebner back in the ring and grabbed his hand, controlling the count, but only made it to eight before Rock stood up. Mankind used a double-arm DDT to land Rock onto the chair but he stood up on the count of nine prompting Mr Socko to come out and another mandible claw was put on Rock. Rock reversed into a Rock Bottom but Mankind still stood up and the two both grabbed for chairs and ran into each other delivering a double chair shot which neither could stand up from after a ten-count, ending the match in a draw. Since titles cannot change in a drew, Mankind remained the WWF Champion.[4]

Paul Wight (later The Big Show) made his WWF debut when he cut through the ring mat

The main event began with Vince McMahon not entering the steel cage, frustrating Stone Cold Steve Austin, who then left the cage to chase McMahon round until McMahon entered the ring and then closed the door locking Austin out. Austin then tried to climb in but McMahon punched him off the top causing him to land awkwardly. McMahon, thinking Austin was injured, exited the cage but was met with a clothesline from Austin who then wrapped his neck in cable and pushed him into the crowd, stomping a mudhole in him and then pouring a beer over him. McMahon tried to run through the crowd making it up the steps but Austin caught him and dragged him back to the ring, throwing him into the barricade and into various bits of the cage. Austin mocked his opponent by sitting in a seat, allowing McMahon time to climb the outside of the cage. As he reached the top Austin met up with him and smashed his head against the cage, McMahon then bounced back and fell off the cage through the announce table. A gurney was brought out for McMahon who was unconscious by this point; Howard Finkel eventually announced that Austin was the winner via forfeit but Austin grabbed the microphone to stop the announcement, demanding that the match did not officially start, and should commence seeing as McMahon was at least still breathing. Austin then left the cage and grabbed McMahon off the gurney, hitting him with it and then putting him inside the cage, officially starting the match. Austin furiously hit and kicked McMahon. As Austin was going to exit the cage by the door, then looked back to see McMahon giving him the finger. Austin then went back into the cage, stomping McMahon in the corner but McMahon lowblowed Austin and threw him into the cage before trying to escape. Austin caught McMahon’s leg and caused McMahon’s stomach to fall on the top of the cage and was then pulled back into the ring, allowing Austin to repeatedly throw him into the cage walls causing McMahon to bleed. Austin then climbed out of the ring and was almost on the floor outside but again McMahon gave him the finger, this time with both hands, and Austin climbed back in. After delivering a Stone Cold Stunner to him, Austin began to further taunt McMahon. Paul Wight, making his WWE debut, then entered the ring by tearing a hole in the canvas and climbing through it. He proceeded to throw Austin into the cage several times. After checking on McMahon, he was given the instruction to throw Austin into the cage again. This time, Wight threw Austin into the cage with such force that the entire panel swung open and Austin was able to drop to the floor and gain the victory to earn a WWF Championship shot at WrestleMania XV.[4]

This Day in Wrestling History (July 18): Perfect 10

39 years ago today in Chicago, Illinois,Verne Gagne defeated Nick Bockwinkel to win the AWA World Heavyweight Championship for the tenth and final time. He would retire ten months later after defeating Bockwinkel again in his final match.30 years ago today, WWF taped the 22nd edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event (WWE Network link) from the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, Massachusetts. The show aired 11 days later on NBC.

30 years ago today, WWF taped the 22nd edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event (WWE Network link) from the Worcester Centrum in Worcester, Massachusetts. The show aired 11 days later on NBC.

  • Hulk Hogan defeated The Honky Tonk Man to retain the WWF Championship.
  • Jimmy Snuka defeated Greg Valentine.
  • Brutus Beefcake defeated Randy Savage by disqualification.
  • The Brain Busters (Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard) defeated Demolition (Ax & Smash) in a 2-1 in a best of three falls match to win the WWF Tag Team Championship.

26 years ago today, WCW presented Beach Blast (WWE Network link) from the Gulf Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi. About 8,600 were in attendance, with 100,000 homes purchasing the event on PPV.

This was the final PPV for WCW under the NWA banner, as they would break away from the NWA officially by the end of the summer.

  • Paul Orndorff defeated Ron Simmons by disqualification to retain the WCW World Television Championship.
  • 2 Cold Scorpio & Marcus Bagwell defeated Tex Slashinger & Shanghai Pierce.
  • Steven Regal defeated Erik Watts.
  • Johnny B. Badd defeated Maxx Payne.
  • The Hollywood Blonds (Brian Pillman and Stunning Steve Austin) defeated the Horsemen (Arn Anderson and Paul Roma) to retain the WCW World Tag Team Championship.
  • Dustin Rhodes and Rick Rude fought to a 1-1 draw in a 30-minute Ironman match for the vacant NWA United States Championship. The championship would remain for six more weeks before Rhodes defeated Rude on WCW Saturday Night for his second US Championship.
  • Ric Flair defeated Barry Windham to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. It would be Flair’s tenth and final NWA world title (though NWA officially recognizes only nine of them). The championship would be renamed the WCW International Championship following the WCW and NWA split.
  • Sting & Davey Boy Smith defeated The Masters of the Powerbomb (Big Van Vader & Sid Vicious).

20 years ago today, ECW presented Heatwave ’99 (WWE Network link) from the Hara Arena in Dayton, Ohio. About 3,700 were in attendance, with 100,000 homes watching on PPV.

It was ECW’s most watched PPV, and the last ECW PPV before their national television deal with TNN started a month later.

  • In a preshow dark match, Vito LoGrasso defeated Simon Diamond.
  • Chris Chetti & Super Nova defeated Danny Doring & Roadkill.
  • Jazz defeated Jason.
  • Super Crazy defeated Little Guid.
  • Balls Mahoney & Spike Dudley defeated The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh Ray & D-Von) in Dayton Street Fight to win the ECW World Tag Team Championship.
  • Francine defeated Steve Corino
  • Taz defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri to retain the ECW World Heavyweight Championship.
  • Jerry Lynn & Rob Van Dam defeated The Impact Players (Justin Credible & Lance Storm).

12 years ago today, George Caiazzo, best known to wrestling fans as John Kronus, died in his fiancée’s home in Laconia, New Hampshire due to heart failure resulting from an enlarged heart, a condition which may have been aggravated by recent knee surgery. He was 38.

Caizzo was best known as one-half of the Eliminators with Perry Saturn. In ECW, he was a four-time tag team champion, three with Saturn, and once with New Jack. Caizzo would also have stints in USWA, WAR, XPW, and Dangerously Intense Wrestling before retiring in 2002.

10 years ago today, former WCW world heavyweight champion Ron Simmons was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame.

9 years ago today, WWE presented Money in the Bank (WWE Network link) from the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri. About 8,000 were in attendance, with 165,000 homes purchasing the event on PPV. That’s down from 228,000 buys for the July 2009 PPV offering, Judgment Day.

The show featured two Money in the Bank ladder matches, the first time such a match occurred at an event other than Wrestlemania.

  • In a preshow dark match, Santino Marella defeated William Regal.
  • Kane defeated Big Show, Matt Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, and Drew McIntyre in a SmackDown Money in the Bank ladder match for a World Heavyweight Championship match up to one year.
  • Alicia Fox defeated Eve Torres to retain the WWE Divas Championship.
  • The Hart Dynasty (David Hart Smith & Tyson Kidd) defeated The Usos (Jey & Jimmy) to retain the WWE Unified Tag Team Championship.
  • Rey Mysterio defeated Jack Swagger to retain the World Heavyweight Championship.
  • Kane defeated Rey Mysterio to win the World Heavyweight Championship. The win gave Kane his first world title since his one-day reign as WWF Champion in 1998. Kane also became the first person to win and use his Money in the Bank in the same night.
  • Layla defeated Kelly Kelly to retain the WWE Women’s Championship.
  • The Miz defeated Edge, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Evan Bourne, Ted DiBiase, John Morrison, and Mark Henry in a RAW Money in the Bank ladder match for a WWE Championship match up to one year.
  • Sheamus defeated John Cena in a steel cage match to retain the WWE Championship.

7 years ago today, TMZ reported that John Cena and his estranged wife Elizabeth Huberdeau finalized their divorce.

The unexpected settlement comes two months after Cena files for divorce, claiming the marriage was “irrevocably broken”. Huberdeau, allegedly blindsided by the news, challenged their prenuptial agreement by saying Cena cheated on her.

Elizabeth’s attorney, Raymond Rafool, said in a brief statement to TMZ that all matters have been settled and resolved amicably. Terms of the divorce settlement were not disclosed.

6 years ago today, TNA presented Destination X on a special episode of Impact from Broadbent Arena in Louisville, Kentucky.

  • Austin Aries defeated Bobby Roode in a Bound For Glory Series match.
  • Sonjay Dutt defeated Homicide and Petey Williams in a three-way match to qualify for the Ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship.
  • Manik defeated Chavo Guerrero and Kenny King in a three-way match to qualify for the Ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship.
  • Greg Marasciulo defeated Rockstar Spud and Rubix in a three-way match to qualify for the Ultimate X match for the TNA X Division Championship.
  • Chris Sabin defeated Bully Ray to win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

It’s a happy 50th birthday to Masanori Murakawa, best known to wrestling fans as The Great Sasuke.

Murakawa founded Michinoku Pro Wrestling and got connections with the WWF when they brought back the light heavyweight championship in the late 1990s. That connection got him and one of his best students, Taka Michinoku, on the WWF In Your House PPV Canadian Stampede. The agreement ended when the WWF got wind of him planning to defend the light heavyweight title only in Japan when he won it (in a bit of irony, his top student, Taka Michinoku, won the tournament and the title).

The former NWA Middleweight Champion stepped away from wrestling in 2003 to focus on his political career; that year, he was elected to the Iwate Prefectural Assembly, making him the first legislator ever to wear a mask. The decorated competitor has also won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight singles and tag team championships, and received four honors in 1994 from Wrestling Observer Newsletter.

The best of cSs on this day:

2016: General Manager reveals to lead off Raw (RAW and Smackdown general managers to be named at the start of RAW—they were former WWE Champions Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan)

2015: Undertaker returns at Battleground (Undertaker makes his first appearance since Wrestlemania 31 at Battleground for some reason)

2014: Bray Wyatt: I’m not playing a character; when I say things on TV, I’m not making stuff up (Video) (Bray Wyatt talks about his character with BetweentheRopes.com)

2013: Today’s crazy rumor: Stone Cold vs. Triple H at WrestleMania XXX (Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Newsletter says a Stone Cold-Triple H match may be in the works for Wrestlemania XXX)

2012: Report: SummerSlam match card filled out with top four matches (Figure Four Weekly says top four bouts for Summerslam are set—turned out they were mostly on the money)

2011: Monday Night Raw ends with Triple H replacing Vince McMahon atop WWE (Vince McMahon is the on-screen fall guy for the CM Punk Money in the Bank debacle—it doesn’t last of course)

2009: TNA iMPACT! #262 (A recap of the final Impact before Victory Road)

Braun Strowman has signed a new four-year deal with WWE.

The Monster Among Men took to his personal Instagram account today and revealed the new contract. There’s no word yet on the numbers behind the deal, but WWE has been re-signing talents to lucrative deals as of late.

Strowman wrote, “Well I’m sure more than a few of you will like this announcement!!!!!!!! Here’s to 4 more years of being the hardest working and best big man in the whole damn industry and working for the Greatest promotion in the world the @wwe #ThenNowAndForever #wwe #resigned #ILikeMillionDollarDealsWheresMyPenBiatchImSigning #FourMoreYearsOfPuttingButtsInSeatsAndSmilesOnFaces #BraunStrowman #BraunZilla #KingOfAllMonsters with my army behind me my #MonsterMilitia #ILoveMyJob #MonsterOnTopTheMountain”

Strowman is currently working the WWE RAW brand and just won the Last Man Standing match over Bobby Lashley at Extreme Rules on Sunday. He’s rumored for another push under new RAW Executive Director Paul Heyman, but that has not been confirmed.

Former WWE, WCW, AJPW and AWA star “The Berzerker” John Nord was sentenced to five years of probation on Monday in a Hennepin County, Minnesota court room, according to The Star Tribune.

The prosecutor argued that Nord should be sent to prison for more than 4 years because he represents a significant public safety threat because he continues to drive. Nord and his lawyer said he is currently in treatment and will spend the rest of his life in assisted-living facilities.

Hennepin County District Judge Jay Quam said the sentencing decision was a difficult one. He told Nord, “Life has handed you a lot of special things. On the other hand, it’s taken away a lot of what makes you you.”

Quam then placed Nord on five years of probation, under the condition that he stay in restrictive housing and do “no driving whatsoever.” Nord was ordered to come back to court in three months to give an update on how he’s doing. The judge said he wants to see Nord doing well.

Nord has been arrested seven time for driving under the influence of drugs, mostly painkillers. The Star Tribune noted that the 59 year old has ALS and uses a wheelchair these days, and has become a frequent abuser of prescription painkillers in recent years to cope with the damage to his body and brain from his pro wrestling career. His most recent arrest came on March 23 of this year. He was charged with felony driving while intoxicated/operating a car under the influence of a controlled substance, and misdemeanor driving while license revoked.

Harley Race’s World League Wrestling school issued the following update on Race via Instagram:

An update that have been wanting to know about in regards to the boss’s situation over the weekend. 

This past weekend, he was scheduled to attend the Knoxville Fanboy Expo. While traveling to Knoxville, he exhibited some signs that needed to be addressed by medical personnel. He has been in the hospital since Thursday evening and that’s where he currently is. 

Due to privacy concerns, no specific information will be given out about his current health status or anything of the sort.

All that can and will be said is that Harley Race was, is, and will always be a fighter. He doesn’t know anything else and he hasn’t thrown in the towel and he has promised that as long as it is up to him, that won’t be an option. His health is obviously top priority and with that being said, all of his upcoming appearances will be immediately cancelled. All promoters have been notified about the situation and we here are currently trying to come up with a solution to rectify the situation the best way possible.

Unfortunately, since this situation has taken place while traveling to a signing, he is currently in a hospital that is pretty far away from home that has his family there with him.

Credit to : https://www.wrestlingnewssource.com/

WWE SmackDown Live Executive Director Eric Bischoff will start his new role at WWE headquarters this week, according to the PWInsider. 

Bischoff, 64, will reportedly start at WWE HQ today, and is hoping to turn around the falling ratings of the blue brand, alongside RAW’s Executive Director Paul Heyman.

The pair were announced for the new roles last month, and though Bischoff is yet to officially start, Heyman’s presence has been felt on RAW. 

In Closing. Thanks for visiting with me. Please take a moment and Visit my Daughter’s revamped Photography site at https://erinburgessphotography.com

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